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Okie dokie. So, here's ADL still continuously hysterizing about Azov guys (who were harmless, clean, and not a battalion) just because some Americans on the internet:

Among the more extremist of the white supremacist movement, namely accelerationists, there has been broad support for the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian national guard unit with explicit neo-Nazi ties. The American Futurist has even provided contact information for individuals who wish to travel to Ukraine and fight alongside Azov. Posts have also been made with crypto currency addresses for individuals to send money for Azov.

Others see Azov as a pathway to the creation of a National Socialist state in Ukraine. As a user in the Goyim Defense League chat posted, “You might be right. But if AZOV controls Ukraine, Ukraine wins and National Socialists get a victory.” In the Church of Aryanity Telegram feed, a user wrote “if they arrested there whole government and the azov battalion was leading things id join aha [all sic].”

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Okie dokie. So, here's ADL still continuously hysterizing about Azov guys (who were harmless, clean, and not a battalion):

Among the more extremist of the white supremacist movement, namely accelerationists, there has been broad support for the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian national guard unit with explicit neo-Nazi ties. The American Futurist has even provided contact information for individuals who wish to travel to Ukraine and fight alongside Azov. Posts have also been made with crypto currency addresses for individuals to send money for Azov.

Others see Azov as a pathway to the creation of a National Socialist state in Ukraine. As a user in the Goyim Defense League chat posted, “You might be right. But if AZOV controls Ukraine, Ukraine wins and National Socialists get a victory.” In the Church of Aryanity Telegram feed, a user wrote “if they arrested there whole government and the azov battalion was leading things id join aha [all sic].”

2 years ago
1 score