Now if only the FBI would get caught and charged for doing this.
The way CP is handled is absolutely terrifying. Something that can be easily planted on your computer by malicious actors should not be grounds to have your life destroyed. Instead CP should be targeted at the root, namely those who create and distribute it.
Now if only the FBI would get caught and charged doing this.
The way CP is handled is absolutely terrifying. Something that can be easily planted on your computer by malicious actors should not be grounds to have your life destroyed. Instead CP should be targeted at the root, namely those who create and distribute it.
Now if only the FBI would get caught and charged doing this.
The way CP is handled is absolutely terrifying. Something that can be easily planted on your computer should not be grounds to have your life destroyed. Instead CP should be targeted at the root, namely those who create and distribute it.
Now if only the FBI would get caught and charged doing this.