This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal?
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thy bases are covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "sounds good." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal?
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thy bases are covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "sounds good." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
Those who truly are above reproach, do not say things that can be taken out of context.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thy bases are covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "sounds good." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
Those who truly are above reproach, do not say things that can be taken out of context.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thy bases art covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "sounds good." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
Those who truly are above reproach, do not say things that can be taken out of context.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thy bases art covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "sounds good." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
Those who truly are above reproach, do not say things that can be taken out of context.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thine bases art covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "sounds good." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
Those who truly are above reproach, do not say things that can be taken out of context.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thine bases art covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "sounds good." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. Thou thought "nah, thine bases art covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "yeah I can stand behind that." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it?
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. It said "nah, I've got my bases covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "yeah I can stand behind that." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
This is that religious zeal
Thou wants religious zeal? Fine. Full quaker edition.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did thou use it.
All I'm saying is thou art a hypocrite.
If thou writes a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in thine view the language centers of thy brain let that fly. It said "nah, I've got my bases covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if thou can say something like that, at some subconscious level, thy brain actually said "yeah I can stand behind that." That thou said it because at some fundamental level thou believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level thou disagree with it and thy overarching sentence is saying as such.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite.
If you write a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of your brain let that fly. It said "nah, I've got my bases covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if you can say something like that, at some subconscious level, your brain actually said "yeah I can stand behind that." That you said it because at some fundamental level you believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level you disagree with it and your overarching sentence is saying as such.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite.
If you write a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of your brain let that fly. It said "nah, I've got my bases covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if you can say something like that, at some subconscious level, your brain said "yeah I can stand behind that." That you said it because at some fundamental level you believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level you disagree with it and your overarching sentence is saying as such.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite.
If you write a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of your brain let that fly. It said "nah, I've got my bases covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if you can say something like that, at some subconscious level, your brain said "yeah I can stand behind that." That you said it because at some fundamental level you believe it, even if at some higher cognitive/moral level you disagree with it and your overarching sentence is saying as such.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite.
If you write a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of your brain let that fly. It said "nah, I've got my bases covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if you can say something like that, at some subconscious level, your brain said "yeah I can stand behind that."
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite.
If you write a phrase that, taken in isolation without its surrounding context comes off sounding incredibly racist, then in my view the language centers of your brain let that fly. It said "nah, I've got my bases covered by the surrounding context, so it's good", and I don't agree with that at all. I believe if you can say something like that, at some subconscious level, your brain said "Yeah I can stand behind that."
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite and a liar.
Skin tone isn't a useful data point.
So why did you use it.
All I'm doing is saying you're a hypocrite and a liar. You've said two things, which CANNOT BOTH be true.