Both the "trans" people I've known were very clearly pressured into it either for her amusement or because she's was a psychologically unhinged mother who had driven her ex-husband to suicide and her son had to "be a woman" to escape her wrath.
This is women's version of rape. Man forces his dick into you, women coerce you into cutting yours off.
Both the "trans" people I've known were very clearly pressured into it either for her amusement or because she's was a psychologically unhinged mother who had driven her ex-husband to suicide and her son had to "be a woman" to escape her wrath.
Both the "trans" people I've known were very clearly pressured into it either for her amusement or because she's was a psychologically unhinged mother who had driven her ex-husband to suicide and her son had to "be a woman" to escape her wrath. "trans" seems to be the female version of rape.