They've been consolidating proposals in the last few days as it became more and more likely that a general mandate for everyone didn't have enough support.
As I understand it, the last remaining proposals were from the SPD-Grüne-FDP coalition with a mandate for people aged 60+ (that failed), a proposal from the CDU opposition with some kind of vague conditional mandate in the future (that died too and wasn't even supported by parts of their own party) and a couple of proposals against any kind of mandate from smaller parties (not sure if they still voted on those but they wouldn't have passed anyway).
They've been consolidating proposals in the last few days as it became more and more likely that the mandate for everyone didn't have enough support.
As I understand it, the last remaining proposals were from the SPD-Grüne-FDP coalition with a mandate for people aged 60+ (that failed), a proposal from the CDU opposition with some kind of conditional mandate based on vague metrics (that died too and wasn't even supported by parts of their own party) and a couple of proposals against any kind of mandate from smaller parties (not sure if they still voted on those but they wouldn't pass anyway).