The best one was that one where he stole the little girl's flag, walked off with it, stomped on it in a puddle and then slipped on the ice breaking his ankle.
Arg need to find that one again.
E: ah there it is. Beautiful.
The best one was that one where he stole the little girl's flag, walked off with it, and slipped in the ice breaking his ankle.
Arg need to find that one again.
E: ah there it is. Beautiful.
The best one was that one where he stole the little girl's flag, walked off with it, and slipped in the ice breaking his ankle.
Arg need to find that one again. ah there it is. Beautiful.
The best one was that one where he stole the little girl's flag, walked off with it, and slipped in the ice breaking his ankle.
Arg need to find that one again.