Making laws to prevent Russian-Ukrainians from even speaking Russian.
[citation needed], last I checked these days even Western Ukrainians could speak Russian when need be. Obviously after this even those who could probably will not bother, in this regard Russia has been far more effective than any Ukrainian government could dream of.
Shelling one of their province for 8 years because "Russian-Ukrainians bad"
[citation needed on "Russian-Ukrainians bad"] given that DNR/LNR forces are supported and commanded by Russia.
Arming civilians with Government issued weapons
Wait, where is the baddie part here?
Refusing humanitarian corridors
Are you going to treat the joke of humanitarian corridor into the invading country seriously? Those proposed 'corridors' basically exist solely so that Russian TV can state this exact point.
Pretending it's all going super well so people keep throwing their bodies at Russian tanks
Well, as far as "we are not even close to being occupied" it is going super well. I agree that as far human casualties go, this is probably the worst this could realistically go for either side.
Gaslighting Russia at every chance by still attempting to get into NATO and the EU instead of just staying neutral.
That's not what 'gaslighting' means.
Making laws to prevent Russian-Ukrainians from even speaking Russian.
[citation needed], last I checked these days even Western Ukrainians could speak Russian when need be. Obviously after this even those who could probably will not bother, in this regard Russia has been far more effective than any Ukrainian government could dream of.
Shelling one of their province for 8 years because "Russian-Ukrainians bad"
[citation needed on "Russian-Ukrainians bad"] given that DNR/LNR forces are supported and commanded by Russia.
Arming civilians with Government issued weapons
Wait, where is the baddie part here?
Refusing humanitarian corridors
Are you going to treat the joke of humanitarian corridor into the invading country seriously? Those proposed 'corridors' basically exist solely so that Russian TV can state this exact point.
Pretending it's all going super well so people keep throwing their bodies at Russian tanks
Well, as far as "we are not even close to being occupied" it is going super well. I agree that as far human casualties go, this is probably the worst this war could realistically go for either side.
Gaslighting Russia at every chance by still attempting to get into NATO and the EU instead of just staying neutral.
That's not what 'gaslighting' means.