cultural and racial homogeneity
In his latest "diversity is our strength" (and it's a quote too) message from Putin, he just said, "I'm a Jew" (lmao).
Also said he's a Chechen, a Tatar, etc. Because apparently being a Russian means always being all that at once, according to the message. (Not mentioned: Ukrainians.)
cultural and racial homogeneity
In his latest "diversity is our strength" (and it's a quote too) message from Putin, he just said yesterday, "I'm a Jew" (lmao).
Also said he's a Chechen, a Tatar, etc. Because apparently being a Russian means always being all that at once, according to the message. (Not mentioned: Ukrainians.)
cultural and racial homogeneity
In his latest "diversity is our strength" (and it's a quote too) message from Putin, he just said, "I'm a Jew" (lmao).
Also said he's a Chechen, a Tatar, etc. Because apparently being a Russian means always being all that at once, according to the message. (Not mentioned: Ukrainians.)
cultural and racial homogeneity
In his latest "diversity is our strength" (and it's a quote too) message from Putin, he just said, "I'm a Jew" (lmao).
Also said he's a Chechen, a Tatar, etc. Because apparently being a Russian means always being all that at once, according to the message. (Not mentioned: Ukrainians.)
cultural and racial homogeneity
In his latest "diversity is our strength" (and it's a quote too) message from Putin, he just said, "I'm a Jew" (lmao).
Also said he's a Chechen, a Tatar, etc. Because apparently being a Russian means always being all that at once, according to the message. (Not mentioned: Ukrainians lol.)
cultural and racial homogeneity
In his latest "diversity is our strength" (and it's a quote too) message from Putin, he just said, "I'm a Jew" (lmao).
Also said he's a Chechen, a Tatar, etc. Because apparently being a Russian means being all that at once. (Not an Ukraian lol.)