The TV says the National Guard force is cut off (bridge destroyed) and can't get reinforcements, they're fighting over the power plant itself, the waste storage and the vehicle graveyard now with "several sabotage and reconnaissance groups".
The TV says the UA force is cut off (bridge destroyed) and can't get reinforcements, they're fighting over the power plant itself, the waste storage and the vehicle graveyard now with "several sabotage and reconnaissance groups".
The TV says the UA force is cut off (bridge destroyed) and can't get reinforcements, they're fighting over the power plant itself, waste storage and the vehicle graveyard now.
The TV says the UA force is cut off (bridge destroyed) and can't get reinforcements, they're fighting over the power plant itself and the vehicle graveyard now.
The TV says the UA force is cut off and can't get reinforcements, they're fighting over the power plant itself and the vehicle graveyard now.
That southern bridge to the Zone is destroyed, the UA force is cut off and can't get reinforcements nor withdraw by it. They're fighting over the power plant itself and the vehicle graveyard now.
That southern bridge to the Zone is destroyed, the UA force is cut off and can't get reinforcements in mor withdraw by it. They're fighting over the power plant itself and the vehicle graveyard now.