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Reason: None provided.

I wish some G*rman would explain to me in plain terms just what the fuck possesed you people to do what you did with an overwhelming popular support for that. It's so completely beyond my any comprehension, especially since you apparently decided to do so before even Fukushima. Are you just so collectively psychotic to enthusiastically embrace any new extremism, be it religious, political or any other?

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I wish some G*rman would explain to me in plain terms just what the fuck possesed you people to do what you did with an overwhelming popular support for that. It's so completely beyond my any comprehension, especially since you apparently decided to do so before even Fukushima. Are you just so collectively psychotic to readily embrace any new extremism, be it religious, political or any other?

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I wish some G*rman would explain to me in plain terms just what the fuck possesed you people to do what you did with an overwhelming popular support for that. It's so completely beyond my any comprehension, especially since you apparently decided to do so before even Fukushima.

3 years ago
1 score