Kamala just did tell us Eastern Europeans that "unity is our greatest strength" as to reassure us (also Biden previously said so during the 9/11 20 anniversary).
While Putin has said "diversity is our strength" about Russia (https://tass.com/society/1164893).
Weird times, man.
Kamala just did tell us Eastern Europeans that "unity is our greatest strength" as to reassure us (also Biden previously said so during 9/11 20 anniversary).
While Putin has said "diversity is our strength" about Russia (https://tass.com/society/1164893).
Weird times, man.
Kamala just did tell us Eastern Europeans that "unity is our greatest strength" as to reassure us (also Biden previously said so during 9/11 20tg anniversary).
While Putin has said "diversity is our strength" about Russia (https://tass.com/society/1164893).
Weird times, man.
Kamala just did tell us Eastern Europeans that "unity is our greatest strength" as to reassure us.
While Putin has said "diversity is our strength" about Russia (https://tass.com/society/1164893).
Weird times, man.