Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs being this is what makes the Cool Shooters and it's such a grave issue in America (when was even the latest one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter? That Cruz dude, the literal El Goblino?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs is this is what makes them Cool Shooters and it's such a grave issue in America (when was even the latest one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter? That Cruz dude, the literal El Goblino?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs is this is what makes them Cool Shooters and it's such a grave issue in America (when was even theast one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter? That Cruz dude, the literal El Goblino?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs is they're making them Cool Shooters and it's such a grave issue in America (when was even theast one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter? That Cruz dude, the literal El Goblino?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs is they're making them Cool Shooters and it's such a grave issue in America (when was even theast one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter? That Cruz guy, the literal El Goblino?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs is they're making them Cool Shooters and it's such a grave issue in America (when was even theast one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter? This Cruz El Goblino?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs is they're making them Cool Shooters and it's such a grave issue in America (when was even theast one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter? This Cruz Goblino?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters". Because one of his beliefs is they're making them Cool Shooters (when was even theast one in a school in America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters" because one of his beliefs is they're making them Cool Shooters (when was even theast one in a school I America that didn't involve the "urban youths", or trannies for that matter?).
Trump not long after being elected held his weird ass anti video game "violence" meeting complete with the White House releasing that ridicalous montage of GTA and some shooters on YT. That was about it for anything games related, besides his earlier tweets about how such games are "creating monsters".