It's actually very possible on one income. Buy a small house that isn't made of the newest materials in an okay area. Have the woman cook all meals from scratch. No eating out. No alcohol purchases. Woman buys basic clothes. Man buys bare minimum for clothes. No Netflix, no Amazon Prime, none of that garbage. 1 Used vehicle. No vacations. Done.
What you really need to do is lower taxes. With women at home to home school why are you financing public education? Cut income taxes down by abolishing public education and it becomes even more feasible to raise a family on one income.
The problem is that most people think they should be going on 3 vacations a year, newest Mercedes, fancy house, restaurants and lounges everyday etc... You don't need any of that and your grandparents in the 50s didn't have that either.
It's actually very possible on one income. Buy a small house that isn't made of the newest materials in an okay area. Have the woman cook all meals from scratch. No eating out. No alcohol purchases. Woman buys basic clothes. Man buys bare minimum for clothes. No Netflix, no Amazon Prime, none of that garbage. 1 Vehicle No vacations. Done.
What you really need to do is lower taxes. With women at home to home school why are you financing public education? Cut income taxes down by abolishing public education and it becomes even more feasible to raise a family on one income.
The problem is that most people think they should be going on 3 vacations a year, newest Mercedes, fancy house, restaurants and lounges everyday etc... You don't need any of that and your grandparents in the 50s didn't have that either.
It's actually very possible on one income. Buy a small house that isn't made of the newest materials in an okay area. Have the woman cook all meals from scratch. No eating out. No alcohol purchases. Woman buys basic clothes. Man buys bear minimum for clothes. No Netflix, no Amazon Prime, none of that garbage. 1 Vehicle No vacations. Done.
What you really need to do is lower taxes. With women at home to home school why are you financing public education? Cut income taxes down by abolishing public education and it becomes even more feasible to raise a family on one income.
The problem is that most people think they should be going on 3 vacations a year, newest Mercedes, fancy house, restaurants and lounges everyday etc... You don't need any of that and your grandparents in the 50s didn't have that either.