It only goes 2 ways.
Either they do maintain power in which case you're fucked and there's no reason to turn into a psycho because you're fucked anyways.
Or, they lose power because of their fanaticism and the vast majority of people who are simply sheep following along suddenly forget how strongly they were for it before. I've been shocked in the past how so many people can so strongly believe in something today and a year or two later barely even remember it.
These fanatical people need a devil to justify their existence, and they're trying to turn you into one so they can point at you and go "see we were right all along".
The only way I've found to handle it is to do in group / out group. If they're fanatics, they're in the out group that I think their thoughts or opinion are worth anything.
It's a shit situation I'm just trying to figure out how to stay off the bottom of the pile of shit.
It only goes 2 ways.
Either they do maintain power in which case you're fucked and there's no reason to turn into a psycho because you're fucked anyways.
Or, they lose power because of their fanaticism and the vast majority of people who are simply sheep following along suddenly forget how strongly they were for it before. I've been shocked in the past how so many people can so strongly believe in something today and a year or two later barely even remember it.
These fanatical people need a devil to justify their existence, and they're trying to turn you into one so they can point at you and go "see we were right all along".
The only way I've found to handle it is to do in group / out group. If they're fanatics, they're in the out group that I think their thoughts or opinion are worth anything.
It only goes 2 ways.
Either they do maintain power in which case you're fucked and there's no reason to turn into a psycho because you're fucked anyways.
Or, they lose power because of their fanaticism and the vast majority of people who are simply sheep following along suddenly forget how strongly they were for it before. I've been shocked in the past how so many people can so strongly believe in something today and a year or two later barely even remember it.
These fanatical people need a devil to justify their existence, and they're trying to turn you into one so they can point at you and go "see we were right all along".
The only way I've found to handle it is to do in group / out group. If they're fanatics, they're in the out group that I dehumanize.