Tl;dr: kotakuinaction1 sucks a big fat reddit slathered dick and they had no reason to even make a .win if they’re gonna mod it the exact same way as they did their shitty subreddit. The only KiA that should be here is you guys since you’re actively targeted over on faggit. I already got (proudly) banned by one their faggot mods (Shadist) for calling them out on their bullshit reddit rules. What a colossal pussy.
Tl;dr: kotakuinaction1 sucks a big fat reddit slathered dick and they had no reason to even make a .win if they’re gonna mod it the exact same way as they did their shitty subreddit. The only KiA that should be here is you guys since you’re actively targeted over on faggit. I already got (proudly) banned by one their faggot mods for calling them out on their bullshit reddit rules.
Tl;dr: kotakuinaction1 sucks a big fat reddit slathered dick and they had no reason to even make a .win if they’re gonna mod it the exact same way as they did their shitty subreddit. The only KiA that should be here is you guys since you’re actively targeted over on faggit. I already got banned by one their faggot mods for calling them out on their bullshit reddit rules.
Tl;dr: kotakuinaction1 sucks a big fat reddit slathered dick and they had no reason to even make a .win if they’re gonna mod it the exact same way as they did their shitty subreddit. The only KiA that should be here is you guys since you’re actively targeted over on faggit.