A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet. But these people stink of their criminal acts!
They can call themselves any name they like- Anti-Facist, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, or even call themselves liberals, Republicans etc. etc.- but if they tell you blatant, obvious lies- when the so-called "Anti-Facists" are throwing the bricks, and BLM shooting the black people, you can rest assured that they are of a particular evil ilk.
A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet. But these people stink of their criminal activities!
They can call themselves any name they like- Anti-Facist, Black Lives Matter, Democrats, or even call themselves liberals, Republicans etc. etc.- but if they tell you blatant, obvious lies- when the so-called "Anti-Facists" are throwing the bricks, and BLM shooting the black people, you can rest assured that they are of a particular evil ilk.