She was a nobody at the time (still is). The way the journos responded was the real issue.The 5 guys post came out on the weekend on Monday morning, almost every gaming journo site had "Gamers are Dead" as their headline piece. Bashing gamers and autistic people as evil violent basement dwelling misogynists. They all used their GameJournosPro mailing list to keep a consistent narrative.
All the media was being asked of was to mention conflicts of interest. They refused, and burned even more of the bridge with more false accusations, and more proof they hated everything about the industry they were in. The FDA some years later required presenting conflicts of interest, but even there were many who didn't.
She was a nobody at the time (still is). The way the journos responded was the real issue.The 5 guys post came out on the weekend on Monday morning, almost every gaming journo site had "Gamers are Dead" as their headline piece. Bashing gamers and autistic people as evil violent basement dwelling misogynists. They all used their GameJournosPro forum to keep a consistent narrative.
All they were being asked of was to mention conflicts of interest. They refused.