It's now basically a thinly-veiled cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. It's really too much work for so little in terms of quality threads. Lugenpresse the image board truly deserves the FINAL solution.
But it so turns out, we're not there forever. They can enjoy their irrelevant shithole where echoes of the past with no author (amphetamine crash or the rope) cry out "WE COMMIN' WH*TEBOI" "HOLY BASED!" "HE LOST" "WHAT ARE THE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF (something fucking stupid)" and my personal favorite "."
It's now basically a thinly-veiled cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. It's really too much work for so little. Lugenpresse the image board truly deserves the FINAL solution.
But it so turns out, we're not there forever. They can enjoy their irrelevant shithole where echoes of the past with no author (amphetamine crash or the rope) cry out "WE COMMIN' WH*TEBOI" "HOLY BASED!" "HE LOST" "WHAT ARE THE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF (something fucking stupid)" and my personal favorite "."
It's now basically a thinly-veiled cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. It's really too much work for so little. Lugenpresse the image board.
But it so turns out, we're not there forever. They can enjoy their irrelevant shithole where echoes of the past with no author (amphetamine crash or the rope) cry out "WE COMMIN' WH*TEBOI" "HOLY BASED!" "HE LOST" "WHAT ARE THE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF (something fucking stupid)" and my personal favorite "."
It's now basically a thinly-veiled cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. It's really too much work for so little. Lugenpresse the image board.
But it so turns out, we're not there forever. They can enjoy their irrelevant shithole where echoes of the past with no author (amphetamine crash or the rope) cry out "WE COMMIN' WH*TEBOI" "HOLY BASED!" "HE LOST" "WHAT ARE THE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF (something fucking stupid)"."
It's now basically a thinly-veiled cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. It's really too much work for so little. Lugenpresse the image board.
But it so turns out, we're not there forever. They can enjoy their irrelevant shithole where echoes of the past with no author (amphetamine crash or the rope) cry out "WE COMMIN' WH*TEBOI" "HOLY BASED!" "HE LOST" "."
It's now basically a thonly-veiled cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. It's really too much work for so little. Lugenpresse the image board.
But it so turns out, we're not there forever. They can enjoy their irrelevant shithole where echoes of the past with no author (amphetamine crash or the rope) cry out "WE COMMIN' WH*TEBOI" "HOLY BASED!" "HE LOST" "."
It's now basically a thonly-veiled cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. It's really too much work for so little. Lugenpresse the image board.
But it so turns out, we're not there forever. They can enjoy their irrelevant shithole where echoes of the past with no author (amphetamine crash or the rope) cry out "WE COMMIN' WH*TEBOI" "HOLY BASED!" "HE LOST" "."
It's now basically a cuck fetish site with retarded opinions attached. Not even 4chanx is sufficient to filter out the bot topics much less the constant retard bait and whiney demoralization posts. Lugenpresse the image board.
Turns out, we're not there forever.