By "state sponsored", does that mean that the money I pay to the government is actually going to these overpaid, RGB LGB-Tedious video shitter-outers? Taxation is theft, but if it actually did go to feeding the poor and making the trains run on time, I wouldn't mind nearly as much.
By "state sponsored", does that mean that the money I pay to the government is actually going to these overpaid, RGB LGB-T-for-tedious video shitter-outers? Taxation is theft, but if it actually did go to feeding the poor and making the trains run on time, I wouldn't mind nearly as much.
By "state sponsored", does that mean that the money I pay to the government is actually going to these overpaid, RGB LGB tedious video shitter-outers? Taxation is theft, but if it actually did go to feeding the poor and making the trains run on time, I wouldn't mind nearly as much.
By "state sponsored", does that mean that the money I pay to the government is actually going to these overpaid, tedious coloured light video shitter-outers? Taxation is theft, but if it actually did go to feeding the poor and making the trains run on time, I wouldn't mind nearly as much.