Come to think of it, isn't Worf the only character with a love interest plotline that spans most than 1 episode?
There was that klingon woman at the beginning that resulted in alexander plotline.
He went on to date Deanna Troy for a while.
Isn't it actually that the only character to have a dating arch longer than an episode was the other character played by a black guy?
Come to think of it, isn't Worf the only character with a love interest plotline that spans most than 1 episode?
There was that klingon woman at the beginning that resulted in alexander plotline.
He went on to date Deanna Troy for a while.
Isn't it actually that the only character to have a dating arch longer than an episode was the other character played by a black guy?
Come to tbink of it, isn't Worf the 9nly characyer with a love interest plotline that 1 episode?
There was that klingon woman at the beginning that resulted in alexander plotline.
He went on to date Deanna Troy for a while.
Isn't it actually that the only character to have a dating arch longer than an episode was the other character played by a black guy?