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Everything they say is projection. I'll tear it apart line by line for proof.

Having all women dress and look a certain way in their media allows them to be unchallenged, to gawk and ogle to their genitals' content.

You do the opposite, because male gaze. You even harassed female anime writers about it. Aside from that, women are the most objectifying people in existence, actors have literally fallen ill trying to get the unrealistic body types they want.

They know they were designed and drawn that way for them, and it makes them feel like the center of the universe in a world they are only observing.

So, again, like you? You constantly complain when you aren't the center of something. Even your arguments against transgenderism aren't out of care for the brainwashed, but out of your own fear of not being the top of the oppression stack.

They get to both stare as much as they want but not have to risk embarrassment by interacting directly with the subject of their desires and interest.

Don't men make the first move most of the time? Regardless, do I really have to mention 50 Shades outselling the Bible? You aren't exactly pure in nature, it's a book about sex and gold digging and you all were drawn to it like a moth to a lightbulb.

When newer artists and storytellers make versions of characters that are more independent, that are designed to look like they have a life of their own, it upsets them.

Except characters can be updated. Look at the new Ghostbusters, relative to yours. Everyone loves it. They think it's good enough to be ranked alongside the original.

Your problem is not that "people are upset about redesigns", it's because your hatred gets in the way of making a character that actually makes sense, and it shows in everything you make. I've never seen a show written by a woman where males are portrayed as human. We're always the enemy, vilified from minute one to satisfy your hatred.

These viewers need to face the reality that they've been pandered to, and most reject that. They throw spoiled tantrums where they are upset that women (and sometimes men) don't exist in their media solely for their gaze, for their enjoyment.

I already covered this. Women are constantly pandered to. All these hate-filled reboots were made to satisfy the desires of women.

That a character isn't written to appeal to them.

I'd settle for a male character with some kind of humanity written into it. You know, because despite your constant assertions, we are both members of the human race, which means we are capable of something other than cartoonish evil.

Since we live in an age where it's very difficult to get a new IP started, many storytellers need to do revamps of old IP, and the people who have nostalgia for those IP (or don't but just are addicted to outrage) get mad that they're seeking a new audience.

Why is that new audience always women who hate men? There's never a reboot that isn't pandering to you.

Finally, these artists see this and see an opportunity to capitalize. Either they agree with the mob of spoiled babies or they just see an easy grift. They do "fan redesigns" to draw attention to their work, and draw in people with disposable income who commission specific things from them.

If you put this with less hostility, I'd agree. This is nothing more than an artist trying to grift some cash off people who don't like your shitty feminist rewrites.

Outrage babies typically believe that they can vote with their dollars, so they "boycott" a show they weren't going to watch anyways and then spend money on the artists that continue to pander. Doing this makes them feel like they're in control.

We all know that the best way to influence entertainment is with rape allegations. That is how you do it, after all. There's never been more man-hatred on TV and it all started with the fall of Harvey Weinstein. That's when the entertainment industry started fearing women more than the money men.

2 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

Everything women say is projection. I'll tear it apart line by line for proof.

Having all women dress and look a certain way in their media allows them to be unchallenged, to gawk and ogle to their genitals' content.

You do the opposite, because male gaze. You even harassed female anime writers about it. Aside from that, women are the most objectifying people in existence, actors have literally fallen ill trying to get the unrealistic body types they want.

They know they were designed and drawn that way for them, and it makes them feel like the center of the universe in a world they are only observing.

So, again, like you? You constantly complain when you aren't the center of something. Even your arguments against transgenderism aren't out of care for the brainwashed, but out of your own fear of not being the top of the oppression stack.

They get to both stare as much as they want but not have to risk embarrassment by interacting directly with the subject of their desires and interest.

Don't men make the first move most of the time? Regardless, do I really have to mention 50 Shades outselling the Bible? You aren't exactly pure in nature, it's a book about sex and gold digging and you all were drawn to it like a moth to a lightbulb.

When newer artists and storytellers make versions of characters that are more independent, that are designed to look like they have a life of their own, it upsets them.

Except characters can be updated. Look at the new Ghostbusters, relative to yours. Everyone loves it. They think it's good enough to be ranked alongside the original.

Your problem is not that "people are upset about redesigns", it's because your hatred gets in the way of making a character that actually makes sense, and it shows in everything you make. I've never seen a show written by a woman where males are portrayed as human. We're always the enemy, vilified from minute one to satisfy your hatred.

These viewers need to face the reality that they've been pandered to, and most reject that. They throw spoiled tantrums where they are upset that women (and sometimes men) don't exist in their media solely for their gaze, for their enjoyment.

I already covered this. Women are constantly pandered to. All these hate-filled reboots were made to satisfy the desires of women.

That a character isn't written to appeal to them.

I'd settle for a male character with some kind of humanity written into it. You know, because despite your constant assertions, we are both members of the human race, which means we are capable of something other than cartoonish evil.

Since we live in an age where it's very difficult to get a new IP started, many storytellers need to do revamps of old IP, and the people who have nostalgia for those IP (or don't but just are addicted to outrage) get mad that they're seeking a new audience.

Why is that new audience always women who hate men? There's never a reboot that isn't pandering to you.

Finally, these artists see this and see an opportunity to capitalize. Either they agree with the mob of spoiled babies or they just see an easy grift. They do "fan redesigns" to draw attention to their work, and draw in people with disposable income who commission specific things from them.

If you put this with less hostility, I'd agree. This is nothing more than an artist trying to grift some cash off people who don't like your shitty feminist rewrites.

Outrage babies typically believe that they can vote with their dollars, so they "boycott" a show they weren't going to watch anyways and then spend money on the artists that continue to pander. Doing this makes them feel like they're in control.

We all know that the best way to influence entertainment is with rape allegations. That is how you do it, after all. There's never been more man-hatred on TV and it all started with the fall of Harvey Weinstein.

2 years ago
1 score