It absolutely did, they fucked over all of the male characters to make the women look better, and I think the next book (if it even comes out) will do the same thing. In the last couple seasons every male character was somehow subservient to a woman; Jon and Tyrion to Denarys/Sansa, Jaime to Brienne and Cersi, Theon to his butterface sister, the entire finale season was built around these unearned girl power moments, hell just look at that scene where a zombie giant gets killed by an 8 year old girl.
And the funny thing is it didn’t work, shitty feminist bloggers still complained that women got the short end of the stick after the finale. Even though Sansa, Arya, Brienne, and Yara got exactly what they wanted.
It absolutely did, they fucked over all of the male characters to make the women look better, and I think the next book (if it even comes out) will do the same thing. In the last couple seasons every male character was somehow subservient to a woman; Jon and Tyrion to Denarys/Sansa, Jaime to Brienne and Cersi, Theon to his butterface sister, he’ll just look at that scene where a zombie giant gets killed by an 8 year old girl.
And the funny thing is it didn’t work, shitty feminist bloggers still complained that women got the short end of the stick after the finale. Even though Sansa, Arya, Brienne, and Yara got exactly what they wanted.