Reason: None provided.
OSRS Group Ironman which is going to get shelved on Friday when I get access to the new FFXIV expac
Oh, also Gladius: Relics of War which I got from a humblebundle a while back. It's nominally a 4X game, though it feels to me more like a hex-map turn-based combat strategy game. Reminds me of a 40k game I played as a child, Rites of War which I just remembered I bought from Gog a while ago. Anyways, Gladius is fun but given the DLC structure, would not recommend buying unless you find a good sale
3 years ago
3 score
Reason: Original
OSRS Group Ironman which is going to get shelved on Friday when I get access to the new FFXIV expac
3 years ago
1 score