Every time they pass a law like this, they almost immediately prove that someone - usually a woman, but sometimes the da's office - will immediately abuse it.
You had a bad day at work. You get on the train to go home. Some woman who's had a few drinks and her boyfriend dumped her ass decides you look like her boyfriend and she's gonna come at you to blow off steam.
The train stops and suddenly cops come on the train and demand to know why you've been sending her pics of your dick. You haven't of course but she has of someone's dick on her phone and claims they're from you.
You get arrested. The next day you're late to work because you spent the night in jail. Your boss is in a foul mood and fires you.
The da mixes up your case with someone elses. The judge is tired of angry people and you're angry and exhausted and finds you guilty.
Your have 100k of debt in a medical field, and with a "sexual" offense on your record no one will hire you.
You can't pay your rent. You end up homeless and die frozen on the street.
And what enormous offense was this weapon that killed you created for?
So a woman didn't have to press "no don't accept" on her phone.
Every time they pass a law like this, they almost immediately prove that someone - usually a woman, but sometimes the da's office - will immediately abuse it.
You had a bad day at work. You get on the train to go home. Some woman who's had a few drinks and her boyfriend dumped her ass decides you look like her boyfriend and she's gonna come at you to blow off steam.
The train stops and suddenly cops come on the train and demand to know why you've been sending her pics of your dick. You haven't of course but she has of someone's dick on her phone and claims they're from yu.
You get arrested. The next day you're late to work because you spent the night in jail. Your boss is in a foul mood and fires you.
The da mixes up your case with someone elses. The judge is tired of angry people and you're angry and exhausted and finds you guilty.
Your have 100k of debt in a medical field, and with a "sexual" offense on your record no one will hire you.
You can't pay your rent. You end up homeless and die frozen on the street.
And what enormous offense was this weapon that killed you created for?
So a woman didn't have to press "no don't accept" on her phone.
Every time they pass a law like this, they almost immediately prove that someone - usually a woman, but sometimes the da's office - will immediately abuse it.
You had a lot day at work. You get on the train to go home. Some woman who's had a few drinks and her boyfriend dumped her ass decides you look like her boyfriend and she's gonna come at you to blow off steam.
The train stops and suddenly cops come on the train and demand to know why you've been sending her pics of your dick. You haven't of course but she has of someone's dick on her phone and claims they're from.
You get arrested. The next day you're late to work because you spent the night in jail. Your boss is in a foul mood and fires you.
The da mixes up your case with someone elses. The judge is tired of angry people and you're angry and exhausted and finds you guilty.
Your have 100k of debt in a medical field, and with a "sexual" offense on your record no one will hire you.
You can't pay your rent. You end up homeless and die frozen on the street.
And what enormous offense was this weapon that killed you created for?
So a woman didn't have to press "no don't accept" on her phone.