Which ones do you think were Jews, and why? Surely not just because of 3 German surnames in Kenosha where 1/4 of all people identify as Germans while Jews are don't go anywhere close to even 1%?
(Also the surnames of the defendant, both prosecutors, the judge, and several others.)
Which ones do you think were Jews, and why? Surely not just because of 3 German surnames in Kenosha where 1/4 of all people identify as Germans while Jews are don't go anywhere close to even 1%?
(Also the defendant, both prosecutors, the judge, and others.)
Which ones do you think were Jews, and why? Surely not just because of 3 German surnames in Kenosha where 1/4 of all people identify as Germans while Jews are don't go anywhere close to even 1%?
Which ones do you think were Jews, and why? Surely not just because of 2 German surnames, and 1 Czech surname?
Which ones do you think were Jews, and why?