It does get tossed around too much but in this case I think its accurate.
He was a socialist until he realize he hated his fellow socialists
He called MGTOW men "vermin" until he actually talked to some of them
He wanted to believe the Kavanugh accusations at first because it would be mean not to.
Hell, he claims he's read all of Neitszche's works but ignores how much he hated Christians.
Now this COVID shit. Whether he does it on purpose or not, the dudes entire philosphy revolves around being a cuck until its too late
It does get tossed around too much but in this case I think its accurate.
He was a socialist until he realize he hated his fellow socialists
He called MGTOW men "vermin" until he actually talked to some of them
He wanted to believe the Kavanugh accusations at first because it would be mean not to.
Hell, he claims he's read all of Neitszche's works but ignores how much he hated Christians.
Now this COVID shit. Whether he does it on purpose or not, dudes entire philosphy revolves around being a cuck until its too late
It does get tossed around too much but in this case I think its accurate.
He was a socialist until he realize he hated his fellow socialists
He called MGTOW men "vermin" until he actually talked to some of them
He wanted to believe the Kavanugh accusations at first because it would be mean not to.
Hell, he claims he's read all of Neitszche's works but ignores how much he hated Christians.
Now this COVID shit. Whether he does it on purpose or not, dudes entire philosphy revolves around being a leftist until its too late