It's the very reason why so many of the transtrenders commit suicide even after gender reassignment surgery, because creating a gaping wound and removing your genitalia does not equate being a woman,
There is also a fetishistic aspect. Most of them derive sexual please from seeing themselves as women. When they remove their testicles, their sex drive plummets and the fetish starts to disappear.
The ones who aren't autogynephiles are gay men and many, including autogynephiles, have no father figure.
It's the very reason why so many of the transtrenders commit suicide even after gender reassignment surgery, because creating a gaping wound and removing your genitalia does not equate being a woman,
There is also a fetishistic aspect. Most of them derive sexual please from seeing themselves as women.
The ones who aren't autogynephiles are gay men and many, including autogynephiles, have no father figure.