Having lived in both countries I can say there is not as much difference between them as there seems to be when you've only directly experienced it from one side of the atlantic.
Both are full of uniparty compromisers that do nothing but adopt their opposition's policy so they can say they're cool and hip and trendy.
There's a much bigger difference between the opposition: In the US democrats, commies like bernie get shafted by their own party in rigged primaries. In the UK labour party, a guy who literally cosplays as Lenin actually made it to party leader and ran in the general election.
In the UK labour party, they actually call eachother comrade.
Having lived in both countries I can say there is not as much difference between them as there seems to be when you've only directly experienced it from one side of the atlantic.
Both are full of uniparty compromisers that do nothing but adopt their opposition's policy so they can say they're cool and hip and trendy.
There's a much bigger difference between the opposition: In the US democrats, commies like bernie shafted by their own party in rigged primaries. In the UK labour party, a guy who literally cosplays as Lenin actually made it to party leader and ran in the general election.
In the UK labour party, they actually call eachother comrade.
Having lived in both countries I can say there is not as much difference between them as there seems to be when you've only directly experienced it from one side of the atlantic.
Both are full of uniparty compromisers that do nothing but adopt their opposition's policy so they con say they're cool and hip and trends.
There's a much bigger difference between the opposition: In the US democrats, commies like bernie shafted by their own party in rigged primaries. In the UK labour party, a guy who literally cosplays as Lenin actually made it to party leader and ran in the general election.
In the UK labour party, they actually call eachother comrade.
Having lived in both countries I can say there is not as much difference between there seems to be when you've only directly experienced it from one side of the atlantic.
Both are full of uniparty compromisers that do nothing but adopt their opposition's policy so they con say they're cool and hip and trends.
There's a much bigger difference between the opposition: In the US democrats, commies like bernie shafted by their own party in rigged primaries. In the UK labour party, a guy who literally cosplays as Lenin actually made it to party leader and ran in the general election.
In the UK labour party, they actually call eachother comrade.