And you consider that an insult to you? Sheesh fragile much?
Oh? It is an insult, you petty idiot. You use it specifically to demean or ridicule people. It doesn't matter if I'm offended or not when your intent to use descriptive terms like soyboy and fat blond white dude is to ridicule people. You frequently do that to whomever you are arguing with. Like I said english isn't my first language, I'm a pure immigrant who can see through deceitful fucks that don't believe half the shit they spout.
And you consider that an insult to you? Sheesh fragile much?
Oh? It is an insult, you petty idiot. You use it specifically to demean or ridicule people. It doesn't matter if I'm offended or not when your intent to use shit like soyboy is to ridicule people calling you out and you frequently do that to whomever you are arguing with. Like I said english isn't my first language, I'm a pure immigrant who can see through deceitful fucks that don't believe half the shit they spout.