I'm really starting to think about it. Lived in San Diego my entire life and I am sick of living under the boot of these freaks, especially now that Gavin is doing social justice victory laps, and our republican mayor termed-out and thanks to Jungle Primaries, we had two democrats to choose between in 2020. Yay.
In a sane country, the state would collapse under its own weight and split into pieces. I mean, maybe that's still possible, but, whatever crisis kicks that off will be one that consumes the entire country now.
I'm really starting to think about it. Lived in San Diego my entire life and I am sick of living under the boot of these freaks, especially now that Gavin is doing social justice victory laps, and we our republican mayor termed-out and thanks to Jungle Primaries, we had two democrats to choose between in 2020. Yay.
In a sane country, the state would collapse under its own weight and split into pieces. I mean, maybe that's still possible, but, whatever crisis kicks that off will be one that consumes the entire country now.