The "it's not that simple" crowd enabled my mother's delusional overeating up untill her own fucking doctor hand-waved away the cause of her prediabetes : eating too much.
I snapped, did what nutritionists and woke idiots say never do : tracked calories of the exact same sugary crap she wants to eat, to reduce the portions. Still junk food. She wouldn't have done the counting herself. In part because the media keeps scaring people away from doing it.
Her prediabetes vanished, and 50+ pounds along the months. The what part of Western diets is less important than the how much part considering we're nearing 80% of people being too fat.
Yes, it's that simple. You just eat too much. Take some fucking responsability or at least stop whining to nag the world to demolish then rebuild everything to accomodate your obese ass.
The "it's not that simple" crowd enabled my mother's delusional overeating up untill her own fucking doctor hand-waved away the cause of her prediabetes : eating too much.
I snapped, did what nutritionists and woke idiots say never do : tracked calories of the exact same sugary crap she wants to eat, to reduce the portions. Still junk food. She wouldn't have done the counting herself. In part because the media keeps scaring people away from doing it.
Her prediabetes vanished, and 50+ pounds along the months. The what part of Western diets is less important than the how much part considering we're nearing 80% of people being too fat.
Yes, it's that simple. You just eat too much. Take some fucking responsability or at least stop whining to nag the world to demolish the rebuilt everything to accomodate your obese ass.