I have near-zero confidence that leftists can produce potable media. It saves much dsappointment.
That combined with the coming wave of sterility - mediated by social and chemical and immunological means - portends a lost generation of culture. Woke is an entire loss: spritually and physically.
I have near-zero confidence that leftists can produce potable media. It saves much dsappointment.
That combined with the coming wave of sterility - mediated by social and chemical and immunological means - portends an lost generation of culture. Woke is an entire loss: spritually and physically.
I have near-zero confidence that leftists can produce potable media. It saves much dsappointment.
That combined with the coming wave of sterility - mediated by social and chemical and immunological means - portends an entire lost generation of culture. Woke is an entire loss: spritually and physically.
I have near-zero confidence that leftists can produce potable media. It saves much dsappointment.
That combined with the coming wave of sterility - mediated by social and chemical and immunological means - potends an entire lost generation of culture. Woke is an entire loss: spritually and physically.