Let me guess.
They have to activate GPS tracking for the government app to track their mouvement data to get their Good Boy Points for the walking?
Is there an actual obligation of results like maintaining a 18.5-23 BMI ( or bodyfat dexa scan for athletes and gym/exercise enthousiasts that aren't skinny-fat T2 diabetes ticking time bombs )?
Because otherwise fatasses are going to log their fruit purchases, walking, but still eat too much and stay fat.
Let me guess.
They have to activate GPS tracking for the government app to track their mouvement data to get their Good Boy Points for the walking?
Is there an actual obligation of results like maintaining a 18.5-23 BMI ( or bodyfat dexa scan for athletes and gym/exercise enthousiasts that aren-/ skinny-fat T2 diabetes ticking time bombs )?
Because otherwise fatasses are going to log their fruit purchases, walking, but still eat too much and stay fat.
Let me guess.
They have to activate GPS tracking for the government app to track their mouvement data to get their Good Boy Points for the walking?
Is there an actual obligation of results like maintaining a 18.5-23 BMI ( or bodyfat dexa scan for athletes )?
Because otherwise fatasses are going to log their fruit purchases, walking, but still eat too much and stay fat.
Let me guess.
They have to activate GPS tracking for the government app to track their mouvement data to get their Good Boy Points for the walking?