the most visible ones are jewish, even though they hate other jews more than anyone else
LMAO . Ask them about the hugely disproportionate representation of jews in biden's cabinet , or the media and how the elites are cohencidently all related to jews in some way or about Bolshevik leadership and Frankfurt school and they will all cry about how "you're anti-semitic" !
the most visible ones are jewish, even though they hate other jews more than anyone else
LMAO . Ask them about hugely disproportionate representation of jews in biden's cabinet , or the media and how the elites are cohencidently all related to jews in some way or about Bolshevik leadership and Frankfurt school and they will all cry about how "you're anti-semitic" !
the most visible ones are jewish, even though they hate other jews more than anyone else
LMAO . Ask them about hugely disproportionate representation of jews in biden's cabinet , or the media and how the elites are cohencidently all related to jews in some way or about Bolshevik leadership and Frankfurt school and they will all cry "anti semitism!" at you.
the most visible ones are jewish, even though they hate other jews more than anyone else
LMAO . Ask them about hugely disproportionate representation of jews in biden's cabinet , or the media and how the elites are cohencidently all related to jews in some way or about Bolshevik leadership and Frankfurt school and they will all scream "anti semitism!" at you.
the most visible ones are jewish, even though they hate other jews more than anyone else
LMAO . Ask them about disproportionate representation of jews in biden's cabinet , or the media and how the elites are cohencidently all related to jews in some way or about Bolshevik leadership and Frankfurt school and they will all scream "anti semitism!" at you.
the most visible ones are jewish, even though they hate other jews more than anyone else
LMAO . Ask them about disproportionate representation of jews in biden's cabinet , or the media and how the elites are cohencidently all related to jews in some way or about Bolshevik leadership and Frankfurt school and they will all scream anti semitism at you.
the most visible ones are jewish, even though they hate other jews more than anyone else
LMAO . Ask them about disproportionate representation of jews in biden's cabinet , or the media and how the elites are cohencidently all related to jews in some way and they will scream anti semitism at you.