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Reason: None provided.

I mean it almost is. I swear so much of it is fashion.

It really opened my eyes when I truly saw just how useless they made the word gender. OH I know they have made it absurd for years, but a few days ago I somehow ended up on their wiki reading through the hundred+ genders that their wiki says exists. Reading through them all with my coworker as we laugh about it [dude they seriously have a flag for EVERY FREAKIN" ONE] it made me realize.... to them gender just means that they have some weirdo quirk or personality trait or fetish. It has nothing to do with "gender" in any reasonable sense. I mean they legit have "OSGender" with it's own flag [it is a rainbow with a Microsoft Windows logo on it]. From their own wiki:

"...someone feels their gender is somehow connected to the any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux or other) or to elements related with it. For example, someone's gender is connected to the Windows XP operating system (fully or partially)."

And, that is taken completely seriously. Not satire, not as a joke. It isn't just some joke gender on their wiki. It is considered just as valid as all their other genders on their website. It isn't even the most absurd one on there. Just one that came to mind.

I am sorry, but just because you really relate to linux hardcore.... that does not mean it has anything to do with your gender in any way. Wtf does that have to do with any reasonable meaning of a word gender?! I can't even figure out how to connect the two. Nothing to do with body parts, dna, chromosomes, literally anything. Gender truly to them legit = pick my quirky personality trait I realized reading that. It isn't just how much of a boy vs girl you are and anywhere in between. You get your quirky personality trait/hobby/interest + your sexual fetishes and combine those two and bam there is your gender/sexual identity.

Honestly it makes them all make a lot more sense. When you get mad cause a doctor "chose their gender at birth for them" in their mind it is legit synonymous with "My doctor chose my personality at birth" as if the doctor held up the baby and said "THIS BABY SHALL BE A JERK TO ALL AROUND [BUT BLAME IT ON THEM BEING SELF DIAGNOSED AS 1% ON THE AUTISM SPECTRUM] AND ALSO HAVE A DRAGON FETISH!" like some sort of prophesy as if he could know how the baby's personality will be. They have torn down the word to such a level of meaninglessness.

3 years ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

I mean it almost is. I swear so much of it is fashion.

It really opened my eyes when I truly saw just how useless they made the word gender. OH I know they have made it absurd for years, but a few days ago I somehow ended up on their wiki reading through the hundred+ genders that their wiki says exists. Reading through them all with my coworker as we laugh about it [dude they seriously have a flag for EVERY FREAKIN" ONE] it made me realize.... to them gender just means that they have some weirdo quirk or personality trait or fetish. It has nothing to do with "gender" in any reasonable sense. I mean they legit have "OSGender" with it's own flag [it is a rainbow with a Microsoft Windows logo on it]. From their own wiki:

"...someone feels their gender is somehow connected to the any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux or other) or to elements related with it. For example, someone's gender is connected to the Windows XP operating system (fully or partially)."

And, that is taken completely seriously. Not satire, not as a joke. It isn't just some joke gender on their wiki. It is considered just as valid as all their other genders on their website. It isn't even the most absurd one on there. Just one that came to mind.

I am sorry, but just because you really relate to linux hardcore.... that does not mean it has anything to do with your gender in any way. Wtf does that have to do with any reasonable meaning of a word gender?! I can't even figure out how to connect the two. Nothing to do with body parts, dna, chromosomes, literally anything. Gender truly to them legit = pick my quirky personality trait I realized reading that. It isn't just how much of a boy vs girl you are and anywhere in between. You get your quirky personality trait/hobby/interest + your sexual fetishes and combine those two and bam there is your gender/sexual identity.

Honestly it makes them all make a lot more sense. When you get mad cause a doctor "chose their gender at birth for them" in their mind it is legit synonymous with "My doctor chose my personality at birth" as if the doctor held up the baby and said "THIS BABY SHALL BE A JERK TO ALL AROUND HIM AND ALSO HAVE A DRAGON FETISH!" like some sort of prophesy. They have torn down the word to such a level of meaninglessness.

3 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

I mean it almost is. I swear so much of it is fashion.

It really opened my eyes when I truly saw just how useless they made the word gender. OH I know they have made it absurd for years, but a few days ago I somehow ended up on their wiki reading through the hundred+ genders that their wiki says exists. Reading through them all with my coworker as we laugh about it [dude they seriously have a flag for EVERY FREAKIN" ONE] it made me realize.... to them gender just means that they have some weirdo quirk or personality trait or fetish. It has nothing to do with "gender" in any reasonable sense. I mean they legit have "OSGender" with it's own flag [it is a rainbow with a Microsoft Windows logo on it]. From their own wiki:

"...someone feels their gender is somehow connected to the any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux or other) or to elements related with it. For example, someone's gender is connected to the Windows XP operating system (fully or partially)."

And, that is taken completely seriously. Not satire, not as a joke. It isn't just some joke gender on their wiki. It is considered just as valid as all their other genders on their website. It isn't even the most absurd one on there. Just one that came to mind.

I am sorry, at some point because you really relate to linux hardcore that has nothing to do with your..... gender in any. Wtf does that have to do with any reasonable meaning of a word gender?! Nothing to do with body parts, dna, chromosomes, literally anything. Gender truly to them legit = pick my quirky personality trait I realized reading that. It isn't just how much of a boy vs girl you are and anywhere in between. You get your quirky personality trait/hobby/interest + your sexual fetishes and combine those two and bam there is your gender/sexual identity.

3 years ago
1 score