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Reason: None provided.

Aspiring for equality is immoral and inherently harmful.

"Are you going to continue to make a series of declarative statements or are you going to fuckin' tell me something?" Sorry, couldn't resist.

The Guard script:


But yeah, now prove it.

should've tried harder

You should try less hard. We're online. Nothing you or I say here really matters. Not to me at least. You'll hardly change your mind and at this point people who believe like you make up about 2% of the population so who reading this matters enough to put forth the effort? Really, I'm just passing the time waiting for other things more important to happen in real life.

Fuck a "demographically multicultural society." Powerful and compelling argument.

Millions of middle easterns, south americans, and people across the globe who've enjoyed humanist liberalism pray you fail

I don't think you really know what humanist or liberalism mean. If you did you'd understand that humanist liberals no longer think of themselves as "middle eastern" or "south american" but as individuals untethered to ethnic or national identities.

Also, you're confusing ideology serving to mystify reality vs reality itself. They hold up concepts into which you've bought and you end up supporting them, but in reality "humanist liberalism" - beyond being an inherently violent, anti-human ideology - serves to justify globalist exploitation, invasions, ravaging of countries, orgies of death, abortion, mass migration (itself leading to countless inter-ethnic crimes directly produced by both), etc.

People claim to be all sorts of things they are not to mask their greed. This isn't news to me.

You have to wait 1-2 mins before editing and it'll stick.

Finally some useful and novel information. Thank you, kind sir.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Aspiring for equality is immoral and inherently harmful.

Are you going to continue to make a series of declarative statements or are you going to fuckin' tell me something? Sorry, couldn't resist.

But yeah, now prove it.

should've tried harder

You should try less hard. We're online. Nothing you or I say here really matters. Not to me at least. You'll hardly change your mind and at this point people who believe like you make up about 2% of the population so who reading this matters enough to put forth the effort? Really, I'm just passing the time waiting for other things more important to happen in real life.

Fuck a "demographically multicultural society." Powerful and compelling argument.

Millions of middle easterns, south americans, and people across the globe who've enjoyed humanist liberalism pray you fail

I don't think you really know what humanist or liberalism mean. If you did you'd understand that humanist liberals no longer think of themselves as "middle eastern" or "south american" but as individuals untethered to ethnic or national identities.

Also, you're confusing ideology serving to mystify reality vs reality itself. They hold up concepts into which you've bought and you end up supporting them, but in reality "humanist liberalism" - beyond being an inherently violent, anti-human ideology - serves to justify globalist exploitation, invasions, ravaging of countries, orgies of death, abortion, mass migration (itself leading to countless inter-ethnic crimes directly produced by both), etc.

People claim to be all sorts of things they are not to mask their greed. This isn't news to me.

You have to wait 1-2 mins before editing and it'll stick.

Finally some useful and novel information. Thank you, kind sir.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Aspiring for equality is immoral and inherently harmful.

Are you going to make declarative statements or fuckin' tell me something? Sorry, couldn't resist.

But yeah, now prove it.

should've tried harder

You should try less hard. We're online. Nothing you or I say here really matters. Not to me at least. You'll hardly change your mind and at this point people who believe like you make up about 2% of the population so who reading this matters enough to put forth the effort? Really, I'm just passing the time waiting for other things more important to happen in real life.

Fuck a "demographically multicultural society." Powerful and compelling argument.

Millions of middle easterns, south americans, and people across the globe who've enjoyed humanist liberalism pray you fail

I don't think you really know what humanist or liberalism mean. If you did you'd understand that humanist liberals no longer think of themselves as "middle eastern" or "south american" but as individuals untethered to ethnic or national identities.

Also, you're confusing ideology serving to mystify reality vs reality itself. They hold up concepts into which you've bought and you end up supporting them, but in reality "humanist liberalism" - beyond being an inherently violent, anti-human ideology - serves to justify globalist exploitation, invasions, ravaging of countries, orgies of death, abortion, mass migration (itself leading to countless inter-ethnic crimes directly produced by both), etc.

People claim to be all sorts of things they are not to mask their greed. This isn't news to me.

You have to wait 1-2 mins before editing and it'll stick.

Finally some useful and novel information. Thank you, kind sir.

3 years ago
1 score