Supremacist might not be the right word. Maybe essentialist? Those that think race matters more than, say justice. Or think that living around whites is good in and of itself just because they are white (plenty of non-whites I'd choose to live around rather than low IQ whites). Or explicit white nationalists (wanting a country literally defined by race, rather than just naturally having a majority ethnicity via normal, healthy ethnic identity). Or those that want to force white into one group identity (I'd probably rather live around Japanese than Italians, but I'd very much like to live in non-cucked Germany or England). Or those that think causing racial strife is a good idea to advance some 'white cause'.
Supremacist might not be the right word. Maybe essentialist? Those that think race matters more than, say justice. Or think that living around whites is good in and of itself just because they are white (plenty of non-whites I'd choose to live around rather than low IQ whites). Or explicit white nationalists (wanting a country literally defined by race, rather than just naturally having a majority race via normal, healthy racial identity). Or those that lump white into one group identity (I'd probably rather live around Japanese than Italians, but I'd very much like to live in non-cucked Germany or England). Or those who want race wars.
Supremacist might not be the right word. Maybe essentialist? Those that think race matters more than, say justice. Or think that living around whites is good in and of itself just because they are white (plenty of non-whites I'd choose to live around rather than low IQ whites). Or explicit white nationalists (wanting a country literally defined by race, rather than just naturally having a majority race via normal, healthy racial identity). Or those that lump white into one group identity (I'd probably rather live around Japanese than Italians, but I'd very much like to live in non-cucked Germany or England).
Supremacist might not be the right word. Maybe essentialist? Those that think race matters more than, say justice. Or think that living around whites is good in and of itself just because they are white (plenty of non-whites I'd choose to live around rather than low IQ whites). Or explicit white nationalists (wanting a country literally defined by race, rather than just naturally having a majority race via normal, healthy racial identity). Or those that lump white into one group identity (I'd probably rather live around Japanese than Italians, but I'd very much like to live in non-cucked Germany or England).