This was written a bit ago on Sep 19th 2020 by Damien Carlisle. It's a very well written rundown of GamerGate and it's significance. It should be studied as a very important example of progressive politics being used to control an industry and attack the people it's supposed to be serving.
This was written a bit ago on Sep 19th 2020 by Damien Carlisle. It's a very well written rundown of GamerGate and it's significance. It should be studied as a very important example of progressive politics being used to control and industry and attack the people it's supposed to be serving.
This was written a bit ago on Sep 19th 2020 by Damien Carlisle. It's is a very well written rundown of GamerGate and it's significance. It should be studied as a very important example of progressive politics being used to control and industry and attack the people it's supposed to be serving.
This is a very well written rundown of GamerGate and it's significance. It should be studied as a very important example of progressive politics being used to control and industry and attack the people it's supposed to be serving.