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Alright, so, let's break this down.

Atheism takeover

The first trial of feminist entryism via wild accusations. It worked, which later led to the MeToo movement, which leads to the propaganda supporting women coming out of Hollywood that would make North Korea jealous.

Jessica Valenti

Known female supremacist, in the Podesta leaks as a Clinton Foundation affiliate/trusted ally.

that GamerGate (as a movement) is characterized as a hate group against women.

I still don't understand why this label has any effect. Women's groups advocate openly for genocide, it's their fucking slogan.

Article after article appeared, weaving a bogus narrative of an “overwhelmingly male” gamer identity that felt “threatened” by the inclusion of women into their sphere.

This is projection. Look how much the supposedly tolerant "better halves" fear the introduction of trans people in their spaces. See, it's only okay to be discriminatory if you have two X chromosomes.

Otherwise, you have to bow down to the wannabe Fourth Reich, who have no interest in what they're taking over, but just want to have it for the sake of ruining it for you, in the hope that you'll either end your life or capitulate.

Part of the reason to be scared is a perception of a lack of power, but we have more power than we think.

Rare moment of truth from the female supremacists.

Anita is seen by GamerGate as a moral authoritarian who uses real life violence against women as a pretext for her moral criticisms of the content of video games.

But the female infanticide rate of boys being so high that even female academics stated that boys almost seem like an "other" to women, that's perfectly fine. That's not based on feminist rhetoric, where boys are regarded as a birth defect that needs to be exterminated. (Downs Syndrome is the test run for putting this rhetoric in practice.)

It’s especially troubling in light of the serious real life epidemic of violence against women facing the female population on this planet…

Just going to highlight the use of the word "epidemic" considering what we know about what they've been up to lately. Rather ironic when you think about it.

Charge Dr Wang Yanyi with crimes against humanity.

the systems of what bell hooks calls white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

In non-white countries, the adherents of your worthless ideology are either killed or silenced. Also, you got the vote by latching onto white supremacists - the "snow under" strategy.

We need to either make them fear in some way that they’re not going to sell their game or they could sell their game more if they did this. Somehow challenging them and making them feel like they have to do this, they have to include this.

Can anyone hear Fat Tony? It sounds like something that the Simpsons caricature of the mafia would say. But yeah, they knew what they were doing here - this was the key. They seized power positions and used them for blackmail. They now hold positions from the Nasdaq exchange to Mastercard and have used these to great effect.

Shaming over “sexed-up female characters,” or the entire idea of making female characters in games sexually appealing

This is based on their disdain that someone can look at an attractive woman who has neither paid the tithe (OnlyFans, dating etc.) or been judged as good enough to be allowed to gaze at them.

It also is another outlet for male enjoyment that must be cut out for their caste system to work in the end.

"I’m more of a sex positive feminist than a sex negative feminist. So, I don’t have a problem with boobs in video games.”

Duplicity. All feminists are sadistic sociopaths with a strong in-group bias and genocidal fantasies. Any attempt at consensus is a trick.

"Musicians who release ‘depressing’ music need to realise that they are making people kill themselves just to appear ‘edgy’ and ‘alternative’ while raking in millions of dollars. No. You need to stop being inauthentic zoomer killers. Try putting out a positive message. Frauds"

Billie Eilish, is that you?

The narrative that the Social Justice gaming activists wanted to forward is that GamerGate was just about straight white males who were angry that they were losing their privilege

Feminists always project. Nothing scares them more than a real look into female privileges and whether they are at all necessary in the modern era.

That said, more people need to come out from behind the veil of anonymity. There are people right now in the gaming industry afraid to share their views for fear of crossing Social Justice activists and journalists, who will attempt to ruin them or bully them into apologies or silence. This requires bravery, and it is aided by the support networks just mentioned.

I want to agree, but there's far, far too much risk. Name one person or group who has challenged female supremacy and come out without damage?

Meanwhile, Quinn’s CON group remains connected to Twitter’s Trust and Safety council.

Twitter, the home of "KillAllMen" on Trending? No way...

Is anyone surprised?

Many male feminist anti-GamerGate journalists and “influencers” have been found out to be sexual harassers, child pornographers

The allies have no value to the cult. Sacrificing one every so often to keep the rest in line is likely something they do.

Finally, be brave. If you’re afraid to make your voice heard, you need to make your voice heard. If it starts anonymously, that’s fine, but we need more people who are not anonymous.

Are you going to employ us when we get blacklisted for "misogyny" and put on a secret HR list of people that will never get hired at a single major company?

If you want us to be brave, back people who take the opposition down. You can only stand up behind strong, capable leaders who won't back down.

Who are those? Who has actually stood up? Jordan Peterson cucked out on Kavanaugh, who cucked out on stopping their election fraud himself.

Donald Trump is a leader, but he's surrounded by plants like Sidney Powell and his feminist daughter, and traitors like Paul Ryan and Mittens Romney.

MRA leaders are utterly useless, they just beg their oppressors to treat them nicely like they aren't enjoying the way we are treated.

We don't have the cash that the opposition has. They're going to get a cash injection from the high profile divorces (Gates and Bezos) which will make everything worse. (Equality can't Wait 2030)

We don't have the structure. We don't have the leaders. We don't have the institutions.

Despite this, victory is possible.

We've seen the damage being exposed for being anti-male can do to an organization. Look at how Gillette did. We just can't keep it up for more than a quarter, or we back down because of some fake apology or backtracking.

We need to take this to the end. Drive them to bankruptcy. That must be the goal. Force the allies of female supremacy to dump their money into saving these organizations, because they won't be able to put it into politics.

3 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

Alright, so, let's break this down.

Atheism takeover

The first trial of feminist entryism via wild accusations. It worked, which later led to the MeToo movement, which leads to the propaganda supporting women coming out of Hollywood that would make North Korea jealous.

Jessica Valenti

Known female supremacist, in the Podesta leaks as a Clinton Foundation affiliate/trusted ally.

that GamerGate (as a movement) is characterized as a hate group against women.

I still don't understand why this label has any effect. Women's groups advocate openly for genocide, it's their fucking slogan.

Article after article appeared, weaving a bogus narrative of an “overwhelmingly male” gamer identity that felt “threatened” by the inclusion of women into their sphere.

This is projection. Look how much the supposedly tolerant "better halves" fear the introduction of trans people in their spaces. See, it's only okay to be discriminatory if you have two X chromosomes.

Otherwise, you have to bow down to the wannabe Fourth Reich, who have no interest in what they're taking over, but just want to have it for the sake of ruining it for you, in the hope that you'll either end your life or capitulate.

Part of the reason to be scared is a perception of a lack of power, but we have more power than we think.

Rare moment of truth from the female supremacists.

Anita is seen by GamerGate as a moral authoritarian who uses real life violence against women as a pretext for her moral criticisms of the content of video games.

But the female infanticide rate of boys being so high that even female academics stated that boys almost seem like an "other" to women, that's perfectly fine. That's not based on feminist rhetoric, where boys are regarded as a birth defect that needs to be exterminated. (Downs Syndrome is the test run for putting this rhetoric in practice.)

It’s especially troubling in light of the serious real life epidemic of violence against women facing the female population on this planet…

Just going to highlight the use of the word "epidemic" considering what we know about what they've been up to lately. Rather ironic when you think about it.

Charge Dr Wang Yanyi with crimes against humanity.

the systems of what bell hooks calls white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

In non-white countries, the adherents of your worthless ideology are either killed or silenced. Also, you got the vote by latching onto white supremacists - the "snow under" strategy.

We need to either make them fear in some way that they’re not going to sell their game or they could sell their game more if they did this. Somehow challenging them and making them feel like they have to do this, they have to include this.

Can anyone hear Fat Tony? It sounds like something that the Simpsons caricature of the mafia would say. But yeah, they knew what they were doing here - this was the key. They seized power positions and used them for blackmail. They now hold positions from the Nasdaq exchange to Mastercard and have used these to great effect.

I'm not done, but my keyboard is acting up, so I'll submit this for now.

3 years ago
1 score