And the reason is ya'll don't think they're conspiring.
No, the reason is they hold relatively few positions in high finance and mass media.
For a better comparison in modern times, look at the reaction of black Americans to Korean and Indian small business owners in their neighborhoods. There is a similar pattern of chain immigration and nepotism, and the reaction is one of general hostility because of high visibility.
If you go back a bit farther, you'll see a similar reaction to the pattern of Irish chain migration and nepotism into the police and fire services on the major cities on the East Coast. Once again, there was a strong negative reaction from people not in the group whose daily lives were affected.
If you're going to declare a rational explanation of an extant phenomenon (offered as an alternative which assumes no malice) the moral equivalent of a grand conspiracy narrative (which necessitates the absurd concept of genetic malice), you're not going to find many people who can argue against the conspiracists, and you're a damned fool for turning away the only possible competing theory once people start to notice.
And the reason is ya'll don't think they're conspiring.
No, the reason is they hold relatively few positions in high finance and mass media.
For a better comparison, look at the reaction of black Americans to Korean and Indian small business owners in their neighborhoods. There is a similar pattern of chain immigration and nepotism, and the reaction is one of general hostility because of high visibility.
If you're going to declare a rational explanation of an extant phenomenon (offered as an alternative which assumes no malice) the moral equivalent of a grand conspiracy narrative (which necessitates the absurd concept of genetic malice), you're not going to find many people who can argue against the conspiracists, and you're a damned fool for turning away the only possible competing theory once people start to notice.