Wait so THEY are behind porn
and also behind the banning of porn?
THEY are behind banning porn THEY don't own. THEY did not invent porn but THEY own the current Western porn industry. Which THEY use to push the most degenerate fetishes like cuckold, femdom, interracial, etc.
I'm not against porn, not by a long shot, but THEY controlling the porn in the West is part of THEIR agenda.
And before I end this post #NotAllOfTHEM. It is mainly a very few rich elite THEM. Though even just saying it was rich elite THEM has gotten one of my posts removed here. People can be very oversensitive about the subject of THEM, even if someone is clearly talking about just a small bit of THEM.
Wait so THEY are behind porn
and also behind the banning of porn?
THEY are behind banning porn THEY don't own. THEY did not invent porn but THEM own the current Western porn industry. Which THEY use to push the most degenerate fetishes like cuckold, femdom, interracial, etc.
I'm not against porn, not by a long shot, but THEY controlling the porn in the West is part of THEIR agenda.
And before I end this post #NotAllOfTHEM. It is mainly a very few rich elite THEM. Though even just saying it was rich elite THEM has gotten one of my posts removed here. People can be very oversensitive about the subject of THEM, even if someone is clearly talking about just a small bit of THEM.
Wait so THEY are behind porn
and also behind the banning of porn?
THEY are behind banning porn THEY don't own. THEY did not invent porn but THEY own the current Western porn industry. Which THEY use to push the most degenerate fetishes like cuckold, femdom, interracial, etc.
I'm not against porn, not by a long shot, but THEY controlling the porn in the West is part of THEIR agenda.
And before I end this post #NotAllOfTHEM. It is mainly a very few rich elite THEM. Though even just saying it was rich elite THEM has gotten one of my posts removed here. People can be very oversensitive about the subject of THEM, even if someone is clearly talking about just a small bit of THEM.
Wait so THEY are behind porn
and also behind the banning of porn?
THEY are behind banning porn THEY don't own. THEY did not invent porn but THEY own the current Western porn industry. Which THEY use to push the most degenerate fetishes like cuckold, femdom, interracial, etc.
I'm not against porn, not by a long shot, but THEY controlling the porn in the West is part of THEIR agenda.
And before I end this post #NotAllOfTHEM. It is mainly a very few rich elite THEM. Though even just saying it was rich elite THEM has gotten one of my posts removed here. People can be very oversensitive about the subject of THEM, even someone is clearly talking about just a small bit of THEM.