Have you been applying date-based search conditions? I frequently have to do that in order to narrow down my results. Whether it be extremely recent stuff or moderately old stuff I'm searching for.
Amusingly, I've found you get far fewer results involving routine clickbait articles when you minus out social media names and such. Specifically what I've used was something along the lines of:
-facebook -twitter -reddit -quillet -yahoo -amazon -youtube -twitch -livestream
Have you been applying date-based search conditions? I frequently have to do that in order to narrow down my results. Whether it be extremely recent stuff or moderately old stuff I'm searching for.
Amusingly, I've found you get far fewer results involving routine clickbait articles when you minus out social media names and such. Specifically what I've used was something along the lines of: -facebook -twitter -reddit -quillet -yahoo -amazon -youtube -twitch -livestream
Have you been applying date-based search conditions? I frequently have to do that in order to narrow down my results. Whether it be extremely recent stuff or moderately old stuff I'm searching for.
Amusingly, I've found you get far fewer results involving routine clickbait articles when you minus out social media names (IE, -twitter -facebook -youtube)
Have you been applying date-based search conditions? I frequently have to do that in order to narrow down my results. Whether it be extremely recent stuff or moderately old stuff I'm searching for.