I knew about her before she got a late night show and she was just a youtuber. She did used to be a little bit funny before (at least some of her skits) but after she got a late night talk show her "comedy" became just as shit as amy schumer's. Which is probably why the views on her videos have gone way down compared to before
I knew about her before she got a late night show and she was just a youtuber. She did used to be a little bit funny (at least some of her skits) before but after she got a late night talk show her "comedy" became just as shit as amy schumer's. Which is probably why the views on her videos have gone way down compared to before
I knew about her before she got a late night show and she was just a youtuber. She did used to be a little bit funny before but after she got a late night talk show her "comedy" became just as shit as amy schumer's. Which is probably why the views on her videos have gone way down compared to before
I knew about her before she got a late night show and she was just a youtuber. She did used to be sort of funny before but after she got a late night talk show her "comedy" became just as shit as amy schumer's. Which is probably why the views on her videos have gone way down compared to before