I (technically still am) a fan of RWBY, and to answer your things here:
- The White Fang started out as peaceful, but became violent because they thought the peaceful way was taking too long. And they become increasingly more violent as time goes on because one of their biggest leaders (Adam Taurus) is extremely unstable and violent. Now, RT hammed it up in my opinion because they wanted to make him more evil, probably because they didnt like that a large section of the fan base liked him (same thing happened with Gen. Ironwood). It ultimately ends with them swearing an alliance to the big bad who's literal goal is to bring the gods back to their world so that she can kill them and finally die (even though this would likely destroy the world in the process).
And yet you have people siding with them because "poor oppressed Faunus!"
- It is absolutely kind of all over the place in terms of how oppressed Faunus are. In a flashback to when the White Fang was peaceful, we see them getting shot at by rando's for seemingly no reason, but that was a good 5+ years before the event of the show. Its said Atlas uses them in their mines, and Adam is branded with the logo of their biggest mining company because of unspecified reasons, but at the same time we see that Atlas is harsh to a lot of people, not just Faunus.
But more than that, it seems to be kind of minor in the grand scheme of things. The one guy pulling on the rabbit girls ears is hated by everyone and a bully in general, not just against Faunus. Also, Atlas, despite being supposedly the most racist against Faunus, has 2 high-profile Faunus working for them. One in their military/magic academy, and one as a member of their elite special forces team. Which raises the question of "If they are so racist, how do these 2 have highly influential and important positions?" And are treated well by their comrades and the people of Atlas in general.
- I agree that RWBY has absolutely lost its way from its first 3 seasons. Back then, it didnt take itself TOO seriously, and Monty always kind of acknowledge that the plot was just kind of there as an excuse to go from badass fight scene to badass fight scene. But in recent times, it has started to take itself too seriously, they stoppped developing the main characters, anyone who dares questions the characters in-universe are struck down as being wrong without looking into it more, and if the fans end up siding with someone OTHER than the main characters, they assassinate that character and radically alter them to force people to go back to agreeing with Team RWBY.
I (technically still am) a fan of RWBY, and to answer your things here:
- The White Fang started out as peaceful, but became violent because they thought the peaceful way was taking too long. And they become increasingly more violent as time goes on because one of their biggest leaders (Adam Taurus) is extremely unstable and violent. Now, RT hammed it up in my opinion because they wanted to make him more evil, probably because they didnt like that a large section of the fan base liked him (same thing happened with Gen. Ironwood). It ultimately ends with them swearing an alliance to the big bad who's literal goal is to bring the gods back to their world so that she can kill them and finally die (even though this would likely destroy the world in the process).
And yet you have people siding with them because "poor oppressed Faunus!"
- It is absolutely kind of all over the place in terms of how oppressed Faunus are. In a flashback to when the White Fang was peaceful, we see them getting shot at by rando's for seemingly no reason, but that was a good 5+ years before the event of the show. Its said Atlas uses them in their mines, and Adam is branded with the logo of their biggest mining company because of unspecified reasons, but at the same time we see that Atlas is harsh to a lot of people, not just Faunus.
But more than that, it seems to be kind of minor in the grand scheme of things. The one guy pulling on the rabbit girls ears is hated by everyone and a bully in general, not just against Faunus. Also, Atlas, despite being supposedly the most racist against Faunus, has 2 high-profile Faunus working for them. One in their military/magic academy, and one as the of members of their elite special forces team. Which raises the question of "If they are so racist, how do these 2 have highly influential and important positions?" And are treated well by their comrades and the people of Atlas in general.
- I agree that RWBY has absolutely lost its way from its first 3 seasons. Back then, it didnt take itself TOO seriously, and Monty always kind of acknowledge that the plot was just kind of there as an excuse to go from badass fight scene to badass fight scene. But in recent times, it has started to take itself too seriously, they stoppped developing the main characters, anyone who dares questions the characters in-universe are struck down as being wrong without looking into it more, and if the fans end up siding with someone OTHER than the main characters, they assassinate that character and radically alter them to force people to go back to agreeing with Team RWBY.