What I don't understand is if the US military thinks the guy is dead, why are you asking for $25 million dollars to fund the operation from the father of some fucking congressman?
Just get a bunch of your defense industry peeps to pay for a private contractor to do the raid. Hell, POTUS wants the raid to happen, right? What's the hold up?
What the hell do you need Don Gaetz for?
This is why I get the feeling that this might have been an FBI set-up. Why the hell would you text someone an extortion letter unless you expected it to be discovered.
I get the feeling that the former DOJ employee turned private attorney for Levinson family, and former USAF intelligence worker might have been operating as FBI informants. They were probably hoping to ensnare Don into some sort of bribery scheme, and use that to pressure Matt on something.
Instead, Matt contacted the FBI like a good boy, and now they had to open an investigation against their own informant. Then """"someone"""" leaked information about the extortion scandal to the NYT. All of the sudden, the FBI investigation into the extortion falls apart. Matt demands that the FBI release the recording of the wire they had his father wear. MSNBC starts saying that the story the extortioner claimed was being investigated was real, and was tied to an FBI investigation of someone else.
Meanwhile, this allegedly trafficked 17 year old still hasn't been proven to exist.
IDK, it's not the first time the FBI literally recruited people into committing crimes in order to convict them for it.
What I don't understand is if the US military thinks the guy is dead, why are you asking for $25 million dollars to fund the operation from the father of some fucking congressman?
Just get a bunch of your defense industry peeps to pay for a private contractor to do the raid. Hell, POTUS wants the raid to happen, right? What's the hold up?
What the hell do you need Don Gaetz for?
This is why I get the feeling that this might have been an FBI set-up. Why the hell would you text someone an extortion letter unless you expected it to be discovered.
I get the feeling that the former DOJ employee turned private attorney for Levinson family, and former USAF intelligence worker might have been operating as FBI informants. They were probably hoping to ensnare Don into some sort of bribery scheme, and use that to pressure Matt on something.
Instead, Matt contacted the FBI like a good boy, and now they had to open an investigation against their own informant. The """"someone"""" leaked information about the extortion scandal to the NYT. Matt demands that the FBI release the recording of the wire they had his father wear. MSNBC starts saying that the story the extortioner claimed was being investigated was real, and was tied to an FBI investigation of someone else.
Meanwhile, this allegedly trafficked 17 year old still hasn't been proven to exist.
IDK, it's not the first time the FBI literally recruited people into committing crimes in order to convict them for it.