That is not my concern. They could last forever and it wouldn't change my perspective at all.
It's like this:
In this culture war, I've burned bridges most people don't even have. My extended family being as deeply involved in the democratic party as they are, for me, there is no going back.
It's not "oh, I won't use reddit again", it's "oh, I'll never see my relatives at a holiday again".
So I'm kinda peeved when I see people being one foot in and one foot out about using sites on the other side of the argument.
When I leave a site, that's it. Done. Gone. No looking back. Too much has been sacrificed to change course now.
That is not my concern. They could last forever and it wouldn't change my perspective at all.
It's like this:
In this culture war, I've burned bridges most people don't even have. My extended family being as deeply involved in the democratic party as they are, for me, there is no going back.
It's not "oh, I won't use reddit again", it's "oh, I'll never see my family a holiday again".
So I'm kinda peeved when I see people being one foot in and one foot out about using sites on the other side of the argument.
When I leave a site, that's it. Done. Gone. No looking back. Too much has been sacrificed to change course now.
That is not my concern. They could last forever and it wouldn't change my perspective at all.
It's like this:
In this culture war, I've burned bridges most people don't even have. My extended family being as deeply involved in the democratic party as they are, for me, there is no going back.
It's not "oh, I won't use reddit again", it's "oh, I'll never see my family a holiday again".
So I'm kinda peeved when I see people being one foot in and one foot out about using sites on the other side of the argument.
When I leave a site, that's it. Done. Gone. No looking back. Because too much has been sacrificed to change course now.
That is not my concern. They could last forever and it wouldn't change my perspective at all.
It's like this:
In this culture war, I've burned bridges most people don't even have. My extended family being as deeply involved in the democratic party as they are, for me, there is no going back.
It's not "oh, I won't use reddit again", it's "oh, I'll never see my family a holiday again".
So I'm kinda peeved when I see people being one foot in and one foot out about using sites on the other side of the argument.
When I leave a site, that's it. Done. Gone. No looking back.
That is not my concern. They could last forever and it wouldn't change my perspective at all.
It's like this:
In this culture war, I've burned bridges most people don't even have. My extended family being as deeply involved in the democratic party as they are, for me, there is no going back.
It's not "oh, I won't use reddit again", it's "oh, I'll never see my family a holiday again".
So I'm kinda peeved when I see people being one foot in and one foot out about using sites on the other side of the argument.
When I leave a site, that's it. Done. Gone. No looking back.