Storing and accessing any wealth you may have, is a gigantimous problem these days.
Having had my home and land, forcibly annexed once and forcibly rezoned another time, I gave up on that fantasy 20 years ago. They just take what they want and you get to make the payments. Not to mention many places that are more than happy to tax you right out of your house.
I think having a nice stash of emergency cash is good. Also maybe keeping some swiss francs that seem to hold their value.
Small gold coins are nice, I'm not into cryptos, gems are good but a dangerous and cutthroat business.
The gun trade seems to be booming, that could be a great investment ;^ If you can't hold it, you don't own it.
Storing and accessing any wealth you may have, is a gigantimous problem these days.
Having had my home and land, forcibly annexed once and forcibly rezoned another time, I gave up on that fantasy 20 years ago. They just take what they want and you get to make the payments. Not to mention many places that are more than happy to tax you right out of your house.
I think having a nice stash of emergency cash is good. Also maybe keeping some swiss francs that seem to hold their value.
Small gold coins are nice, I'm not into cryptos, gems are good but a dangerous and cutthroat business.
The gun trade seems to be booming, that could be a great investment ;^ If you can't hold it, you don't own it.
Storing and accessing any wealth you may have, is a gigantimous problem these days.
Having had my home and land, forcibly annexed once and forcibly rezoned another time, I gave up on that fantasy 20 years ago. They just take what they want and you get to make the payments. Not to mention many places that are more than happy to tax you right out your house.
I think having a nice stash of emergency cash is good. Also maybe keeping some swiss francs that seem to hold their value.
Small gold coins are nice, I'm not into cryptos, gems are good but a dangerous and cutthroat business.
The gun trade seems to be booming, that could be a great investment ;^ If you can't hold it, you don't own it.
Storing and accessing any wealth you may have, is a gigantimous problem these days.
Having had my home and land, forcibly annexed once and forcibly rezoned another time, I gave up on that fantasy 20 years ago. They just take what they want and you get to make the payments. Not to mention many places that are more than happy to tax you right out your house.
I think having a nice stash of emergency cash is good. Also maybe keeping some swiss francs that seem to hold their value.
Small god coins are nice, I'm not into cryptos, gems are good but a dangerous and cutthroat business.
The gun trade seems to be booming, that could be a great investment ;^ If you can't hold it, you don't own it.