Yes. Mix into that the two totalitarian mindsets:
The idiotic idealism of those who delude themselves into believing that they can make a life without suffering if they get the systems just right (and in the process necessarily destroy everything else, including human nature, morals and aesthetics).
The better-informed clever Cains, who use the former into making them a Tower of Babel where they can be in charge, with slaves and pleasure and no fear of losing their wealth and position through neglect and competition.
Yes. Mix into that the two totalitarian mindsets:
The idiotic idealism of those who delude themselves into believing that they can make a life without suffering if they get the systems just right (and in the process necessarily destroy everything else, including human nature, morals and aesthetics).
The better-informed clever Cains, who use the former into making them a Tower of Babel where they can be in charge, with slaves and pleasure and no fear of losing their wealth and position by neglect and competition.