Both of your concerns stem from a (quite reasonable) fear of marrying a woman who turns out to be crazy in some aspect. Make sure, first and foremost, that the woman you like, likes you more than you like her. This matters, because to use an analogy, the male nature is like a strong steady rock, and the female nature is like moss or tree-root that molds itself around the rock.
As sexist as it might sound, women's opinions and views tend to be most strongly influenced by the dominant male figure in their life. (As an aside, this is why women with no father or weak fathers often turn out badly) So assuming she isn't totally brainwashed, if she genuinely likes you then she will come around to your way of thinking, and not screw you over down the road. This will only happen however if you are firm in your views and she likes you enough to tolerate initial disagreements. If you try to shift position to appeal to her, the rock/tree root effect will not work and she will not change.
She doesn't have to be redpilled from the start, as long as she is a) not a flaming leftist/doesn't have some extremely strong pre existing conviction, and b) genuinely invested in you, then it will work out as she will gradually come around to your point of view. This will not happen instantly, it will take at minimun year or two, but it will happen.
With regard to the raising family part, if you're worried about schools having an indoctrination effect on children, homeschool or find a good non-cucked private school. Don't be overbearing or overly sheltering, it will cause your kids to rebel, but do try to push them in the right direction, i.e. screen out obviously biased children's media.
Alternately, just make sure that as teenagers they find /pol/, and let them redpill themselves.
Both of your concerns stem from a (quite reasonable) fear of marrying a woman who turns out to be crazy in some aspect. Make sure, first and foremost, that the woman you like, likes you more than you like her. This matters, because to use an analogy, the male nature is like a strong steady rock, and the female nature is like moss or tree-root that molds itself around the rock.
As sexist as it might sound, women's opinions and views tend to be most strongly influenced by the dominant male figure in their life. (As an aside, this is why women with no father or weak fathers often turn out badly) So assuming she isn't totally brainwashed, if she genuinely likes you then she will come around to your way of thinking, and not screw you over down the road. This will only happen however if you are firm in your views and she likes you enough to tolerate initial disagreements. If you try to shift position to appeal to her, the rock/tree root effect will not work and she will not change.
She doesn't have to be redpilled from the start, as long as she is a) not a flaming leftist/doesn't have some extremely strong pre existing conviction, and b) genuinely invested in you, then it will work out as she will gradually come around to your point of view. This will not happen instantly, it will take at minimun year or two, but it will happen.
With regard to the raising family part, if you're worried about schools having an indoctrination effect on children, homeschool or find a good non-cucked private school. Don't be overbearing or it will cause your kids to rebel, but do try to push them in the right direction, i.e. screen out obviously biased children's media.
Alternately, just make sure that as teenagers they find /pol/, and let them redpill themselves.
Both of your concerns stem from a (quite reasonable) fear of marrying a woman who turns out to be crazy in some aspect. Make sure, first and foremost, that the woman you like, likes you more than you like her. This matters, because to use an analogy, the male nature is like a strong steady rock, and the female nature is like moss or tree-root that molds itself around the rock.
As sexist as it might sound, women's opinions and views tend to be most strongly influenced by the dominant male figure in their life. (As an aside, this is why women with no father or weak fathers often turn out badly) So assuming she isn't totally brainwashed, if she genuinely likes you then she will come around to your way of thinking, and not screw you over down the road. This will only happen however if you are firm in your views and she likes you enough to tolerate initial disagreements. If you try to shift position to appeal to her, the rock/tree root effect will not work and she will not change.
She doesn't have to be redpilled from the start, as long as she is a) not a flaming leftist/doesn't have some extremely strong pre existing conviction, and b) genuinely invested in you, then it will work out as she will gradually come around to your point of view. This will not happen instantly, it will take at minimun year or two, but it will happen If you're worried about schools having an indoctrination effect on children, homeschool or find a good non-cucked private school.
Both of your concerns stem from a (quite reasonable) fear of marrying a woman who turns out to be crazy in some aspect. Make sure, first and foremost, that the woman you like, likes you more than you like her.
This matters, because to use an analogy, the male nature is like a strong steady rock, and the female nature is like moss or tree-root that molds itself around the rock.
As sexist as it might sound, women's opinions and views tend to be most strongly influenced by the dominant male figure in their life. (As an aside, this is why women with no father or weak fathers often turn out badly) So assuming she isn't totally brainwashed, if she genuinely likes you then she will come around to your way of thinking, and not screw you over down the road. This will only happen however if you are firm in your views and she likes you enough to tolerate disagreements like that.
She doesn't have to be redpilled from the start, as long as she is a) not a flaming leftist/doesn't have some extremely strong pre existing conviction, and b) genuinely invested in you, then it will work out as she will gradually come around to your point of view. This will not happen instantly, it will take at minimun year or two, but it will happen
If you're worried about schools having an indoctrination effect on children, homeschool or find a good non-cucked private school.
Both of your concerns stem from a (quite reasonable) fear of marrying a woman who turns out to be crazy in some aspect. Make sure, first and foremost, that the woman you like, likes you more than you like her.
This matters, because to use an analogy, the male nature is like a strong steady rock, and the female nature is like moss or tree-root that molds itself around the rock.
As sexist as it might sound, women's opinions and views tend to be most strongly influenced by the dominant male figure in their life. (As an aside, this is why women with no father or weak fathers often turn out badly) So assuming she isn't totally brainwashed, if she genuinely likes you then she will come around to your way of thinking, and not screw you over down the road.
She doesn't have to be redpilled from the start, as long as she is a) not a flaming leftist/doesn't have some extremely strong pre existing conviction, and b) genuinely invested in you, then it will work out as she will gradually come around to your point of view. This will not happen instantly, it will take at minimun year or two, but it will happen
If you're worried about schools having an indoctrination effect on children, homeschool or find a good non-cucked private school.