Nah. I get frustrated with this computer bullshit too easily sometimes. It's exhausting trying to even keep up with anything any more.
Anyway, it's the difference between classic Disney and Warner Bros and modern fugly Adult Swim, and even Hannah-Barbera was better than the garbage people are passing off as cartoon art now, that started with Beavis and Butthead and Ren and Stimpy being gross for grossness' sake because it was new and different then.
Nah. I get frustrated with this computer bullshit too easily sometimes. It's exhausting trying to even keep up with anything any more.
Anyway, it's the difference between classic Disney and Warner Bros and Adult Swim, and even Hannah-Barbera was better than the garbage people are passing off as cartoon art now.
Nah. I get frustrated with this computer bullshit too easily sometimes. It's exhausting trying to even keep up with anything any more.
Anyway, it's the difference between classic Disney and Adult Swim, and even Hannah-Barbera was better than the garbage people are passing off as cartoon art now.
Nah. I get frustrated with this computer bullshit too easily sometimes. It's exhausting trying to even keep up with anything any more.